

Muscle Gain


Fat/Water Loss


Side Effects


Keep Gains


Composition : Trenbolone acetate

Potency: 100mg/1ml
Dosage: 100 mg EOD
Appearance: Oil based solution

Short-acting trenbolone ester. Explosive high quality mass & strength gains. Accelerate fat loss. One of the most powerful steroids available.

It is first produced in the 1960’s by Necma Pharma in French. It was very famous in the name Parabolan. Trenbolone is different from Trenbolone Acetate and the original Parabolan was just the esters. Nowaday, Trenbolone has an Acetate esters attached, which is a bit faster form than the original Parabolane. They attached Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester which was a bit slower than the Acetate form today. So Trenbolone is “the king of the injectable steroid”. We hear that very often because of its very strong androgenic and very strong anabolic compound. It is an all rounder.

Side effects.

Bad side effects: Road rage,which makes you very aggressive. It dries out joint and tendance. Good side effects: It increases muscles and strength. It increases hemoglobin, hematocrit, also increases IGF 1 production and many more. One thing what I only see on Trenbolone is it can gain muscles with an increase of fat lost at the same time because of its very strong metabolic rate increase.

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